
Finns call this spring ;-) = long days, lots of sun but still snow (sunset in the end of March).


Oulunsalo, Finland




Finns call this spring ;-) = long days, lots of sun but still snow (sunset in the end of March).

Finland spring photo

Finland spring photo
Finland spring © Biopix: A Neumann
Oulunsalo, Finland
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Finland spring Photo 84788
Finland spring Photo 84789
Finland spring Photo 84787
Finland spring Photo 68302
Finland spring Photo 62801
Finland spring Photo 62800

Nombre de visites depuis 08/2003: 1.015.759.537

Accenteur mouchet (Prunella modularis) Tétras lyre (Tetrao tetrix) Glaucidium nana Escargot des jardins (Cepaea hortensis) Tettigonia viridissima Crapaud calamite (Bufo calamita) Herbe à pisser, Poirier en ombelle (Chimaphila umbellata) Caloptéryx vierge (Calopteryx virgo)

Biopix - photos de nature