
Ice fishing marathon on the Bothnian Bay close to Oulu. Since it is so cold, people use small cabins for protection while fishing (they have holes in the floor) ..


Oulu, Finland




Ice fishing marathon on the Bothnian Bay close to Oulu. Since it is so cold, people use small cabins for protection while fishing (they have holes in the floor) ..

Oulu photo

Oulu photo
Oulu © Biopix: A Neumann
Oulu, Finland
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Oulu Photo 71655
Oulu Photo 71654
Oulu Photo 71653
Oulu Photo 71652
Oulu Photo 71651
Oulu Photo 71650

Nombre de visites depuis 08/2003: 1.015.624.284

Calliteara pudibunda Lipoptena cervi Sphinx à tête-de-mort (Acherontia atropos) Chameau sauvage de Tartarie (Camelus ferus) Busard des roseaux (Circus aeruginosus) Mouette rieuse (Larus ridibundus) Lactoria cornuta Grand Corbeau (Corvus corax)

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